Cory Graff has lived in the Pacific Northwest his entire life. He grew up in Tacoma, his house was right under the flight path for McChord Air Force Base. Day and night, he'd see a seemingly endless stream of Lockheed C-141 cargo planes headed for the runways on the other side of Commencement Bay.
Cory graduated from the University of Oregon and soon after went to work for the Museum of Flight in Seattle. He did writing and research jobs for the exhibits department and later assisted in the creation and installation of large exhibits including The Boeing Story, Wings Over Hollywood, and 747.
In his own words, "...perhaps the most complex and rewarding project I helped lead was the World War I Gallery in the Museum of Flight's Personal Courage Wing. The sprawling layout covered 25,000 square feet and contained 18 aircraft. As well, there were extensive scenes to illustrate the era, such as a bomb-damaged French farmhouse and a curving of trench scene."
Please plan on attending Monday, 4/11 at 7pm.